Masters Project collaborated with Camelot Group • 9 Weeks • Group project
User Research • UX Design • UI Design
Team Role
Facilitator • Innovator
Open banking has predominantly been used by FinTechs since its inception but isn't widely used within gambling, e-commerce, or other industries. Design an experience that ties in with healthy play and open banking technology.
High Fidelity Prototype • Product Presentation •
Team Work Evaluation Report
Project Outline
Our Team

Team Jackpot
We were a group of master students coming from different bachelor backgrounds and nationalities working on the project that we are briefed by Camelot group. Due to Covid restrictions our meeting all took place online. We used Miro Board to design and collaborate.
My Roles
My roles were facilitator and innovator in the group. I proactively pllaned team-building activities and aided my team to discover and share their strengths and weaknesses with the tools such as Shared Stories. I also added ice breaker questions to get to know each other in a fun environment at the beginning of our journey.

Our team building board
As a facilitator...
I moderated team discussions, sustaining equal contribution and democratic decisions.
I planned the project weekly and ensured every task was delegated to a team member according to individual skill or personal interest.
I organised anonymous peer assessments utilising Microsoft Forms to improve our team dynamics.
As an innovator...
I encouraged the team to use diverse ideation methods and stimulated the group to become more innovative.
Discover Phase
What is Open Banking?
Open banking allows operators to access customer financial data by connecting their app or website directly to a person’s bank account. This requires the individual’s approval and can reveal financial and identity data by connecting directly to the financial institution.
The national lottery already discourages players from spending more than they can afford and offers a range of tools that enables players to limit their spending or play. Open Banking will enable The National Lottery to understand gaming spend in the context of the player’s broader financial situation. Accordingly, The National Lottery will be able to identify risk players and block or apply spending caps in place for the safety of players.
Target Group
Target group was set by the Camelot Group in the brief which is 24-40 years old, UK based, existing players who uses online platforms of the National Lottery.
Unpacking Assumptions
We conducted a 5W1H analysis of the brief to frame our research scope. Our initial hunt statement was to understand gambling demographics and gambling psychology in the UK, alongside understanding the Open Banking process and familiarising ourselves with the National Lottery products and current healthy play interventions of the platform.
Secondary Research
Each member of the group chose a topic to make secondary research, and then we shared our findings and discussed on what are the missing points for our research using the KHWLAQ tool. We finalised our final hunt statement like below.

We are going to research...
the motivations behind playing the lottery regularly, current self-control mechanisms of players and anticipated feelings for being externally restricted by the spending while playing lottery
24-40 years old regular online national lottery players
so that we can design...
a solution that promotes healthy play with a trusted experience by the Open Banking system while keeping player's satisfaction and engagement at the desired level.
Research Overview
Online Ethnography
Since finding problematic lottery players was both difficult in a short time frame and ethically challenging, we decided to find problematic players that shared their journey on the internet.
I did the screening research for 27 problematic gambler stories and delegated them to group members to investigate 5 videos each, then we shared our findings and analysed them.

Pre-screening Survey
I prepared the pre-screening survey and participant information sheet by utilising Microsoft forms. Then we spread it to various platforms to find regular online national lottery players, however, due to time limitations we couldn't find eligible participants through it.
Semi-structured interviews
We recruited 4 of the participants by convenience sampling and 2 of the participants by snowballing method. Interviews took place online, executed by Prathiba and me. We recorded the sessions and each group member analysed an interview.

Sampling Rationale of the Primary Research
Define Phase
Data Analysis & Syntesis
Data analysis and synthesis were done collaboratively on the Miro board. We analysed interviews using user journey maps and key findings synthesised on an affinity diagram. We did persona-building to understand better our target group and articulate their motivations and pain points.

After analysing our data we detected three main themes from our findings which will help us to create opportunities for Open Banking implementation.
Trust and
"It is hard to trust the apps, and I don't want Open Banking to know too much about me and don't want to read too much information"
-Participant 1
People get frustrated from reading long and complicated information about technology, it makes them feel confused.
People trust The National Lottery but hesitate to use Open Banking because they are not familiar with it.
Understandable and straightforward interactions enriched with high corporate credibility may increase people's trust in Open Banking.
Key Findings
"I put the same amount. I wouldn't go on top of what I've lost. I'm not a gambler" - Participant 4
Setting a limit will help control people's behavior (Harris, Griffiths 2016).
Everyone needs to set a limit on spending but some people can control themselves and some can not.
Sometimes players might have the tendency to play more than they should. So we need to have some semi-compulsory controls for the unhealthy players.
Key Findings
"I don't consider myself a gambler and I don't have a lot of money to lose. I'm more of a speculator I have to be in it with a chance."
-Participant 5
Use dynamic messages to remind people and catch their attention in a better way. (Harris, Griffiths 2016).
People do not know exactly how much they are spending, but only have a general idea and a subjective healthy standard assessment of themselves.
People do not know whether their spending is reasonable or not. So, we can assess people's healthy consumption levels, visually display consumption data and make appropriate reminders.
Key Findings
Generating Opportunity Statements
As a facilitator, I organised a session for creating opportunity statements for insights. Within 15 minutes, each member created HMW statements for the insights. Then we collaboratively evaluated them in an evaluation matrix which enabled us to assess the opportunities, if it was carrots or sticks and exciting or boring. Lastly, I led anonymous voting on the Miro board to decide on final HMW questions.

Ux Vision Statement
After selecting our final opportunity statements, we combined them into a vision statement to set ourselves with a solid direction for our ideation process. The final version of our statement is below.
UX Vision Statement
There is an opportunity to visualise the money spent on the lottery, and the opportunity cost of it by an example that suits the user's lifestyle and to provide personalized limitations by utilising Open Banking,
who plays the lottery regularly online just in safe limits,
but want to be more confident about not tipping over or losing control
Develop & Deliver Phases
I facilitated ideation sessions with the crazy8 ideation method. All members created as many as Crazy 8 sessions in their style and work time, and we shared our ideas in a group session and discussed and voted to select the best ones.

Our Crazy8 ideations and emoji votings
User Journey
To implement our features, we created a user journey map collaboratively and discussed our ideas on it. This map helped us to detect touch points, articulate the information architecture and finalise key feature decision.

Finilising Persona
Our primary persona was Border-line users, we refine the pain points throughout our analysis and ideation phases. After discussing with our client, we built secondary personas to our service to make it less of a intervention tool and serve healthy play as a general feature for all users.

We collaboratively created three usage scenarios derived from our user journey map for the personas. It helped us refine our concept to be more inclusive for all personas while building a powerful presentation element to explain the journey to our client. The final version of the story boards are below.

User Testing
To validate our concept and user flows, we conducted online user testing sessions. Due to time limits, we performed our user tests with MA User Experience students who worked on a different project with the National Lottery. Our objection was to test if our guiding animation design was engaging and if smart limits were clear enough to understand.
Testings took place online and recorded, conducted by Prathiba and me while a supporting teammate observed and took notes. We gave a context to the participants and then asked them to explore treasure guardian functions. After the prototype run-through, we asked questions about their opinions on the concepts.
The first user testing was conducted with 3 participants, and the major change that we focused on was the language. ​
The second user testing, which was done with 4 participants was quite positive. We did only a few changes which were in terms of usability.

We gathered our notes and findings on the Miro Board and ranked the negative feedback as minor to major in order to save time on changes. Then we collaboratively made design decisions and iterated our wireframes.
Final Product

Guiding Animation
Healthy Play Statistics
Executive Summary

What I learned
It was a great experience being part of a multi-national and diverse team as it was a significant potential for learning and self-reflecting while feeling unsure and insecure about being part of a new team.
I discovered performing peer assessments regularly with the team is vital to ensure everybody is on the same page and feels happy about the work style.
It was an excellent practice for me to challenge myself to compromise in achieving my high expectations for the deliverables and acknowledge that each member may have different passion levels for tasks.
Next Steps
Due to time limitations and challenge of reaching borderline user profile, we couldn't test the concept with existing national lottery user's. It would be beneficial to secure user testing sessions with primary research participants regarding recruitment challenges.